Corporate Services |
- Incorporation of company or Limited Liability Partnership
- Suggesting the most relevant form of entity keeping in view the entrepreneur's vision
- Consultancy on Company Law matters
- Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and Corporate re-organizations
- Filing of annual returns and various forms & documents
- SEBI Regulations including LODR (Clause 49) review for compliance with fiscal, corporate and tax laws
- Secretarial Matters including share transfers
- Maintenance of Statutory records
- Consultancy on Public/Rights/Bonus Issue of shares
- Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.
- Conversion to or from one form of entity to other, e.g., Company to LLP, etc.
- Compliance and Representational Services with various government authorities
- Consultancy on corporate social responsibilities
Design of csr policies & compliances
For corporates and implementing agencies
Compliances by Implementing partners (NGOs) as to the grants
Adherence to Accountability Standards on
Governance & Oversight
Measuring Effectiveness
Financial Management
Fund Raising & Informational Material
Regulatory Compliance